Who AM I?


I am Chinese-American. I was born and raised in Florida. My life has always revolved around the arts. Although music was my first creative endeavor, it was design that was my first creative passion. After studying string instruments and performing live shows, I learned that I enjoyed being in spaces that united people in such a meaningful way. What if there was a way to continue creating impactful moments for people to enjoy forever?

That is when I have discovered the art of architecture and interior design. The elements I have enjoyed from playing in these places were all thanks to having a dedicated design and function that appealed to the senses.

I am now a Master of Interior Architecture graduate from Florida International University, seeking an active role in design that allows me to collaborate with others in a forward-thinking environment. With over six years of experience in concept development and visualization, space planning, and client presentations, I am eager to utilize these skills to facilitate innovative design solutions.

-Holly Chan


Master of Interior Architecture – FIU – 2021

Associate of Arts Degree – SPC – 2015


Throughout my studies, it has become clear that design shapes the present and future state of the environment. I aspire to create destinations that will strengthen human relationships and experiences through the spirit of animating my ideas.